Sunday, April 1, 2007

Enmeshed in this Exercise in Utility

Adding all kinds of aesthetic and utilitarian enhancements to my blog has been hampered by needing to register passwords into new accounts for everything from Flickr to Bloglines, g-mail, blogspot, Yahoo, and the list grows. I managed to get a graphic into the blog by using a Google tool, not Flickr, though I had opened a Flickr account. I am calm again. I am very excited about RSS feeds. I have discovered some amazing music sites. I have seen amazing potential!
This week I had to wade through layers of security to get into and use my own bank accounts for getting all the information for my tax preparation. The bank said that I had to go online to get it, and that I could not do it in person at a branch. Catch 22. I had to dredge up passwords to all of these accounts and apply the mystical letters and numerals that appear on your screen looking like queasy, drunken Rockettes; characters linked, leaning, and distorted, that make you feel as if you have entered the inter sanctum of security. Of course I had already shed tears and pulled hair out trying to get back into my own accounts, only to be notified and sent new credit and ATM cards because some of these accounts were amongst millions that had been hacked into and compromised by brilliant criminals. Technology can be our friend! Technology could be the great equalizer, bringing the world and its riches to our doors and minds. God fortify and protect us. -UNTANGLED and trying to be TRANQUIL

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